Helping men to break free from recurring arguments by changing their emotional habits, thus saving their relationship. This podcast will talk about how to improve your relationship and achieve holistic success at the same time. It is my firm belief that as men, we can have it all. Success and an incredible relationship. This podcast will help you accomplish this. As the world evolves, men must change. The old paradigm of what a man is supposed to embody has changed. It’s time to level up, and all the information to do so will be found in this podcast.

Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Ep.45 Relationships- A Romantic Relationship Does Not Complete You
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
It is a common misconception that getting into a relationship will fix our problems or make our life complete. I believe a relationship can be a beautiful connection that amplifies our life. I also believe they involve many complex dynamics that will shine a spot light on many of our own personal insecurities or issues.
Relationships might temporarily resolve your issues, insecurities, emotional problems, etc.. BUT it certainly will not permanently resolve them. In fact, if these issues are not looked at they will only amplify over time. A romantic partner does not automatically develop us. It is our own responsibility to grow, develop, and feel complete on our own to receive the benefits of a relationship. In this episode I talk about how I had to learn this the hard way.
Also in this episode I will include the 6 key concepts that might not seem appealing, but in reality are the golden nuggets of a romantic partnership. As well as 7 powerful questions to help you determine what YOU can bring to a relationship, rather than what you can expect from one.
This episode is packed with useful information, some which I wish I knew at the start of my relationship with Jess.
Please ENJOY!:)
#relationship #powerfulquestions #Romanticpartnership #coach #responsibility #change #grow

Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Ep.44 What Does It Mean To Be Present?
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
In today's day and age the terms mindfulness and being present are commonly talked about. We will discuss what it actually means to be present by referencing one of Eckhart Tolle's books 'A New Earth'. I will also share examples of how I was able to overcome my struggles with the inability to stay present. Being Present is an acquired skill that we can all improve on with the proper awareness and practice.

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Ep.43 The Honeymoon Phase
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
If you've ever been in a romantic relationship, you've probably experienced the honeymoon phase.
In today's show we talk about the biology and psychology that takes place during the beginning stages of a new relationship. At the beginning of relationships it is much easier to stay focused on 'love'. There is a magical chemical cocktail that is present within our mind and body. Unfortunately after these chemical releases begin to fade away and become less powerful, we are faced with the decision to choose love or fear.
In order to continue to choose love, and to navigate a relationship we might need to alter our sub-conscious mind. We will discuss a 5 step process on how to do this, in order to benefit your relationship. I will also share my real life experience with this information and share how it has helped me.
I hope you enjoy the episode!!

Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Ep.42- 3 Things To Stop Expecting From Others
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
We can all agree we could use more energy, and have a desire to achieve meaningful progress in life.
Today we will discuss how to attain this by learning how to stop Expecting validation, belief, and for others to understand you. It's important to clarify that experiencing these 3 things can be beautiful and very beneficial... Although we must not expect them.
It is crucial to first seek Self validation, Self belief, and Self understanding. Without internalizing these concepts first, we put our selves in danger of seeking approval of others over ourself, not reaching our potential, living without fulfilment, and lack of clarity in our life.
Throughout the show I will break down step by step methods on how to generate these internally. This is something I continually work on in my life, and the more focus I put on it the quicker I receive the rewards.
I hope you enjoy the episode:)

Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Ep.41 Why You Might Need To Admit You Are Wrong
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
It might be common knowledge that we should admit when we are wrong, but it’s certainly not common practice.
In this episode we will discuss:
-The two areas where we might need to admit we are wrong
-How needing to be right can be related to winning, but in reality this will result in a win/loss situation
-It is frequently our ego that wants to win, usually for reasons relating to security, safety, and internal reassurance. Although these might seem like harmless concepts, they might be causing us more pain than we think.
-The best scientifically proven way to admit we are wrong
-The 5 main benefits that appear when we admit we are wrong
-My personal stories of how I had to admit to myself I had wrong beliefs, perceptions, and paradigms
This episode is filled with useful information that has helped me in my life, I hope you enjoy it:)

Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Ep. 40 The Power Of Letting Go
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Today we talk about the power of letting go, particularly focusing on letting go of unnecessary control and unwanted emotions. This was a major road block in my life, which led me to consistently show up with unwanted emotions such as anger and grumpiness.
It almost seems counterintuitive, but letting go of power and emotion really shows inner strength. I had it all wrong in the past, I thought it made me strong to hold in all of my emotions and to have control all of the time. I can confidently admit I was very wrong.
We will discuss all the benefits of letting go, and surrendering. These benefits include, but are not limited to liberation, inner and outer peace, and ease. Letting go is a major step in order to break free from from unwanted reoccurring patterns and emotions in our life.
This one is a game changer! Enjoy!:)

Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Ep. 39 A Deep Dive Into Discipline
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
I attribute a lot of my success in life to discipline. I like to think one of my main personal values is discipline, and carry some wisdom within this topic.
In today's show we discuss:
-The driving force needed to practice discipline
-The discipline parameters and how they relate to your pyramid of life (mentioned in other episodes)
-How to Generate the necessary energy needed in order to break free from the 'discipline killer' - laziness
-The 5 Ingredients of discipline- 1) Persistent action, 2) Follow through on what you say, 3)Self control, 4) Delayed gratification, 5) Consistency
-How discipline will build momentum eventually leading us to the reward.
This topic really fires me up, and you can hear my passion in the episode. Hopefully this brings some value to your life! Enjoy:)

Sunday Oct 25, 2020
E p.38 Complexity Of Human Nature
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
The reason for all of our thoughts, feelings and actions are derived from a complex system. Every single day we make assumptions, predictions, have beliefs that something may or may not happen, and all perceive the world in different ways. Although these caractaristics are all unique to each individual, we happen to formulate them using the same process. A circumstance or event happens, then we gather information from it to build a perception, belief, or thought about it. Usually this goes unnoticed and we are unaware of why we have this particular belief or why we view certain situations the way we do.
This lack of awareness can lead to:
-Surface level connections
-Loneliness (Not being heard)
-Self absorption
-Needing to be right
-Frequently having unfair expectations
In this episode we will unpack the two methods to resolve this to help simplify the complexities of human nature. By first understanding our selves, in order to properly communicate and collaborate with others.
This is a fascinating topic that will surely have a positive impact on your life!
Enjoy! :)

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Ep.37 Emotional Addiction- How To Avoid Old Patterns
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Emotional addiction isn't something that gets discussed frequently. To some extent the vast majority of people probably have some sort of emotional addiction.
In this episode we will explain:
-What emotional addiction is
-How it's created
-Why it's so common
-Emotional relapse
-Exactly how to break our emotional addictions
I will also share a personal story to help explain all of these concepts.
We can all benefit from putting some more attention and amplifying our awareness on our addictions.
Please enjoy the episode!

Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Ep.36 If You Need Answers Look Within
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
It's understandable that we feel lost sometimes. When we feel this way it is extremely important to look within our selves for answers rather than mirroring what other people are doing. Nobody in life has the 'correct' answers, especially the answers for YOU. It is essential to learn how to formulate our foundation in order to live our life congruent to our values, morals and beliefs. The more we can live in this manner the easier it will be to find the answers we need.
This episode will highlight exactly how to accomplish this. Enjoy! :)