Helping men to break free from recurring arguments by changing their emotional habits, thus saving their relationship. This podcast will talk about how to improve your relationship and achieve holistic success at the same time. It is my firm belief that as men, we can have it all. Success and an incredible relationship. This podcast will help you accomplish this. As the world evolves, men must change. The old paradigm of what a man is supposed to embody has changed. It’s time to level up, and all the information to do so will be found in this podcast.

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Ep.75 How To Deal With The Changing Seasons In Your Life
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Life is not stagnant. It's always in motion, no matter how hard we try to keep it the same and familiar it will always be changing. The four different seasons bring drastic climatic changes (Especially in Canada). The same goes for different seasons in our personal life.
In today's episode I describe how I had to mentally prepare myself to be present and take in a new season in my life. The season I was entering was the preparation for my wedding, and how I needed to show up differently to make this time of my life a success.
I will lay out many tools and tactics on how to accomplish this, as well as the necessary mindset I needed to adapt to make this season an enjoyable priority.
Some of the tools and strategies that get covered include:
-How to put focus and awareness on something outside of our normal routine.
-Q-cards and the power of putting meaning behind your words.
-Finding pleasure in tasks that aren't normally enjoyable.
-How to inject new thoughts into your mind by asking better questions. The difference between judger questions and powerful questions.
-How to self-coach yourself.
-How to be fully present and take in new experiences.
-How to practice acceptance, and how to have faith that things will work out.
-The power of disconnecting.
-Gratitude practices.
You will learn how to implement these tools by the way I share my story. I'm sure you will be able to relate to this episode in some way or another.
Please enjoy:)

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Ep.74 What To Think About Before Marriage
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
In today's episode I give my perspective on marriage. I recorded this episode just weeks before I got married.
I was a man who had to go through many internal transformations to get me to a point where I was ready for marriage. I believe I have some powerful insights that will be helpful for any person preparing for marriage or who wants to improve their marriage or relationship.
In todays show I cover the following topics:
-Commitment: To grow as an individual and succeed as a team. Marriage is not a guarantee, and there will need to be a lifetime full of commitment to make it work.
-Changing paradigms and beliefs around marriage. Many times our beliefs or perspectives around marriage are not exactly the same as our partners. It is essential to communicate them, to be able to meld your beliefs together.
-I explain why it is so important to implement self work, personal development, and understand the process of change. Having the formula to self improvement will be an important factor for a successful relationship.
-The importance of not becoming complacent. I explain why the phrase "you should accept me for who I am" is controversial and how it can lead to complacency.
-I talk about why I believe couples should be beyond the 'honeymoon' phase before getting married.
I hope you enjoy my insights, and this episode!

Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Ep.73 How To Feel More Alive
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
I decided to do today's show based on my recent trip to a secluded cabin. Every time I leave that place I always feel more energized and alive. I wanted to break this topic down, in hopes that anyone who might be struggling, feeling in a slump, or simply wants to feel alive can benefit from my insights.
The 3 categories discussed are:
1)Curiosity: Many times we find ourselves resisting fear, and not pushing ourselves to experience growth or simply achieve a new goal. I believe curiosity plays a pivotal role with helping us lean into fear, rather than resist it.
2)The power of isolation and solitude: It is only when we are isolated, quiet and calm that we can begin to uncover our inner truths. I also discovered that physically being separated from loved ones can amplify our deep emotions and connection we have for the people we cherish in our life.
3)Not being surrounded by materialistic objects: When we don't have 'things' to distract our mind we can be present with life. It is only in that present moment that we can truly feel alive, because we are fully engaged (mind, body, spirit). It's also extremely powerful to be surrounded by nature, a living entity that doesn't need material objects to survive.
I hope you enjoy my isights, and that they serve you in some way:)

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Ep.72 Why We Tend To Focus On What We Don't Have
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
In today's show I break down why we frequently get caught focusing on the things in life we don't have, rather than what is already amazing in our life. I use a personal example of how this happens to me, in particular with my relationship.
This episode includes three main topics to explain why this happens, and strategies to change this behaviour.
1)Life is controlled by what we focus on. I will explain what this means and the science behind it.
2)Gratitude. I break down what gratitude actually is in a very practical way.
3) Negativity bias. What this is, and how it might be contributing to what you are focusing on in life.
I hope you enjoy this episode!

Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Ep.71 The Psychology Of Winning
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
There are many great benefits that can come from winning. Unfortunately we often overlook some of the downfalls associated with winning, especially in relationships.
As a young kid growing up I developed a winning mindset, and slowly turned into a 'must win' type of person. Due to this must win mentality losing was considered a bad thing, and over the years I subconsciously developed mannerisms and habits that were harming my relationship. The most frequently occurring issue was the need to win ever argument or confrontation.
In this episode I will describe all the characteristics of a must win person, and explain how extensive damage can emerge from conflicts if this is not properly dealt with.
I will also share 10 key points on how to transform from a 'must win' person into a holistic winner, and how to win with your partner in a relationship.

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Ep.70 The Power Of Humility And Curiosity
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Humility can be seen as 'knowing what we don't know'. Meaning not to pretend we know things when truthfully we don't know. Having humility to say we don't know, and to be curious about learning the things we don't know.
This concept has truly transformed my life. I was locked into a period of stagnation prior to implementing a humble and curious mindset. Once I realized I only knew a small fraction about life and started to get curious to learn more my life drastically changed.
In this episode I will describe all of the benefits of humility and how being curious can open new doors in your life.
If you are looking for changes and to make progress then this is a must listen!

Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Ep.69 Why We Need To Feel Our Feelings
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
As a young man this is a topic I thought I would never be discussing with anyone, never mind with the open public. I used to hold in every emotion, burry it, and push it to the side. This led to MANY compounding internal issues that would lead to problems in my relationships.
Since discovering the power of feeling my emotions and properly processing them I can proudly say my life is changed for the better.
I am also not a perfect man, as this past week I found myself falling into old patterns. I share this story openly, and then provide multiple reasons why we need to fully feel our emotions.
As always, I will break down a process how to properly feel your feelings. Trust me, if I am able to do this and see the benefits, I am confident this will be useful for any man or individual.

Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Ep.68 What Is Coaching?
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
In today's episode I discuss what coaching is, why I am so passionate about it, and why it works.
I did not want to pursue another profession until I found something that I truly believed in and that would help and serve others. This episode will provide an explanation on what coaching can do in your life.
Please enjoy,

Monday May 24, 2021
Ep.67 How To Master Self-Doubt
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Previously I was someone who frequently felt self-doubt. In fact, I still do at times but I can proudly say I've learned how to deal with it so it doesn't hold me back.
*In today's podcast episode I describe situations in my life where I was faced with self-doubt.
*I discuss the unhealthy coping strategies, that most people use when facing self-doubt.
*I will also elaborate on the three emotional systems in the brain. Once we can enforce the appropriate response to self-doubt then we can program our brain to respond in the most beneficial way.
*Finally, I will share 9 tips on how to activate the proper emotional system to help you deal with, and conquer self-doubt.
I hope you enjoy this episode!

Sunday May 16, 2021
Ep.66 How To Become A Better Negotiator With Our Own Thoughts
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Our mind can either be our strongest ally or our biggest enemy. That's why it's crucial to learn how to get it to work for us rather than against us. One of the most powerful ways of doing this is by successfully negotiating with our own internal thoughts.
This is a skill that can be learned, developed, and mastered through the repetition of a series of techniques, and this episode will explain them in detail.
Negotiating is a very useful skill to have, negotiating with our own thoughts is a skill that is necessary if we are wanting to level up in life.
Please enjoy!