Helping men to break free from recurring arguments by changing their emotional habits, thus saving their relationship. This podcast will talk about how to improve your relationship and achieve holistic success at the same time. It is my firm belief that as men, we can have it all. Success and an incredible relationship. This podcast will help you accomplish this. As the world evolves, men must change. The old paradigm of what a man is supposed to embody has changed. It’s time to level up, and all the information to do so will be found in this podcast.

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Think Bigger.
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Thinking the same way day after day will produce the same results we've got in the past. Familiar and recurring thoughts will populate unconsciously unless we can consciously inject new thoughts into our minds.
Over time I personally noticed a massive difference in the results I was achieving. I credit a large portion of that to the thoughts I would consciously inject into my awareness. I want to share why this works, and how it worked for me since it had such a major impact in my life.
Obviously there needs to be intentionally aligned action with our new thoughts to manifest results. Although having new, powerful, and optimistic thoughts directed at what we want to achieve is the powerful foundation needed for any change and new results.
I hope you enjoy this episode!

Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Relationships- What‘s More Important- Love Or Compatibility?
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
This is a topic that many people face when first entering a relationship, or if they've been together for a while and may be questioning their future existence together.
In today's episode we will explore how love and compatibility are built and IF it's possible to generate one or the other. You will get clear on if you need both of them to have a successful long lasting relationship.
We will explore how intention, desire and the proper frame of reference will all have an impact on the amount of love and compatibility you share with your partner.
If you are questioning if you are in the right relationship, or if you should even commit to a potential one, than this is a must listen!
I'll leave you with a powerful quote by Sam Keen, "We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly".
Enjoy the episode!

Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Protecting Your Personal Energy
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Who you hang out with and the daily activities you perform will impact the quality of your thinking, your inspiration, your capability to dream, and of course your ENERGY. All of which will have a direct impact on the results you will create.
We've all heard the saying, "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with". But why is this? We will explore this concept in depth.
I will share a simple, yet profound exercise to implement in order to become more aware of how your energy is getting affected by the people you hang around with and the activities/habits you participate in, on a consistent basis.
We will talk about the 'Energy Vampires' and what to do if any exist in your life.
Many times we don't like to make changes because what we're currently doing is comfortable, easy and familiar. One thing is certain, if we want to experience new results we need to make uncomfortable changes. This episode will highlight some of those changes.

Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Separation By Cognitive Bias
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Lately, it's evident that there is more and more separation in the world. Most people take a firm stand towards their viewpoints, and typically aren't willing to see the other side.
In today's show I want to shine a light on why I think this issue keeps getting worse. I believe there is always some sort of validity to every side, no matter what the viewpoint is. We often fail to realize this, and with the powerful force of social media, click bait headlines, and algorithms to keep showing us the same types of information we get deeper into our perspective and only see an issue through a very rigid lens.
Most people naturally gravitate to some sort of confirmation bias when they are navigating through a world matter. That is to interpret, favour, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. Unfortunately, this tends to lead to more divisiveness, simply for the reason that most people don't want their values or beliefs challenged.
I wanted to highlight what is going on in this very unique time in our life. My intensions are to provide a different perspective, so we can begin to coincide more harmoniously even if we have different viewpoints and beliefs.
I hope you enjoy this episode,

Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Ep. 81 Thorns Behind The Beauty
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
In this episode I discuss how we all have thorns living in our subconscious. The thorns are a metaphor for unwanted automatic behavior response, bad habits, beliefs, traits, and neurological hardwiring that may not be serving us.
We may never get rid of our thorns but once we are aware what they are, we can consciously take new actions and work to override them with the true beauty that is within us all. For many years I would repress and pretend that I didn't have any thorns. Unfortunately that actually caused them to compound and grow stronger over the years.
These thorns usually grow for the purpose of being defence mechanisms. I will explain how this happened in my life, based on my past life experiences.
We will also cover the top 10 most common defence mechanisms and how they might be affecting your life.
They include: Denial, repression, projection, displacement, regression, rationalization, sublimation, reaction formation, compartmentalization, and intellectualization.
As always, this episode is to shine a light of awareness on how your thorns might be affecting your life, and how you might be able to override them to improve relationships, and your life as a whole.

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Ep.80 Expectation Vs. Reality
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
This episode is a great reminder that the truth is usually different than what we perceive it to be.
Often times we don't fully process what it takes to bring a vision or a goal to life. We think that we are at a disadvantage, because we tend to compare our selves to somebody else's finished product.
This episode will show you how to stay focused on your journey, and I will reveal the behind the scenes journey to prove that attaining a goal usually isn't as seamless as you think.
There are many valuable lessons in today's show. If you are someone wanting to progress your relationship, finances or life in general, then this is a must listen.
I hope you enjoy!

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Ep.79 Meaningful Goals
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
We always hear that it's important to have goals, and that everyone should have big goals.
We don't often hear WHY we need to do this, or even how to set a goal never mind a meaningful goal. I thought today I would unpack all the fine details around meaningful goals.
Some key points of today's episode include:
-S.M.A.R.T. goals- Why this acronym is so powerful and how it actually works.
-How to identify what a meaningful goal is, and how to avoid 'comparison' goals.
-I talk about how goals are a place to come from, not a place to get to. This means we will have to change our current behaviours, patterns, and habits so we can achieve new results. Start to embody the type of person that you need to be at the end of you goal right now. Not once you've accomplished the goal.
-What the major cause is for people quitting on their goals and how to overcome it.
I hope you enjoy this episode!

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Ep.78 New Levels Will Result In New Barriers & Challenges
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
If you are listening to this podcast then chances are you want to better yourself or evolve a certain area in your life. It's always fun to talk about all the amazing benefits that will appear once you do so. All of those benefits are great, but we often forget to talk about some of the 'not so great' side effects that come along with them.
When your relationship, finances, habits, mindset or any area in your life starts to change/evolve there will usually be a new level of challenges and difficulties that emerge. Many times these can be even more complex than our old ones.
In today's episode I discuss a new challenge that has emerged in my life as a result of my evolution and growth. I share the awareness, strategies and tools I am using to overcome this difficulty in my life.
I hope you enjoy this episode and that you may take away some insights in order to take new action today:)

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Ep.77 Commitment In A Relationship (Sharing My Personal Wedding Vows)
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
One of my main values is to be a committed partner in my relationship. I wasn't always someone who valued commitment. In the past, I framed commitment quite differently then I do now.
Even the dictionary has two completely different ways to frame commitment. One way describes it as being dedicated, devoted, loyal, having a bond, and being attentive. The other way is quite the opposite. It is described as an obligation, restricts freedom, responsibility, is an obligation, and a liability.
I thought that was crazy that the same word can have two complete different meanings!
After reflecting on this I realized that I used to see a relationship and commitment as the latter meaning. I saw it as an obligation and a restriction to my freedom. I explain how and why I now frame commitment as one of my main values.
In this episode I will share all the benefits that commitment can provide, and what might be holding you back from being committed in a relationship.
I also share my PERSONAL vows from our wedding, I break them down and explain why I chose these words and explain the meaning they have to me and our marriage.
I hope you enjoy this vulnerable episode!

Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Ep. 76 Wedding Stories/Lessons You Need To Hear!
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
In today's episode I share some very memorable and challenging stories that transpired during the month leading up to our wedding. I also share many interesting stories about our wedding weekend.
As always, I incorporate the life lesson I learnt from these unique circumstances. The main topic of today is how to tackle challenging circumstances, even when your goal/vision is on the line. The main pillars I discuss to help with this include commitment, mindset, and having conviction in your vision.
Some key points that get shared through my stories are:
-Being conscious of my thoughts, and being very intentional with what my recurring thought patterns were, in order for my emotions and actions to align with them. (Have your thoughts work for you, not against you).
-I discuss how Jess and I needed to have a vision so strong and clear that no matter what life circumstance got thrown our way we still believed in the vision. This was a friendly reminder that your journey will not likely unfold the way you think it should.
-The importance of SURRENDERING to the unfortunate circumstances that will inevitably show up along your journey.
-Stay optimistic even when it seems like there's no way out. A major contributing factor to your vision fading away will be sinking into the negativity, and negative thoughts.
-Don't get caught up on small details
-Choose a life partner that you are willing to face negative circumstances, adversity, and challenges with. There should be a mutual understanding that life is partially a struggle...and that's okay. I believe that having the right partner who will never give up on your shared vision is what matters the most.
I hope you enjoy:)