Helping men to break free from recurring arguments by changing their emotional habits, thus saving their relationship. This podcast will talk about how to improve your relationship and achieve holistic success at the same time. It is my firm belief that as men, we can have it all. Success and an incredible relationship. This podcast will help you accomplish this. As the world evolves, men must change. The old paradigm of what a man is supposed to embody has changed. It’s time to level up, and all the information to do so will be found in this podcast.

Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Ep.05 Healthy Obsession
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
In this episode we talk about a healthy obsession. If you want to achieve something, the simple act of always thinking about and dreaming about your desire will help you attain the results you are looking for at an accelerated pace. We go over the science behind this and why this technique is so effective. Enjoy

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Ep.04 Consistency, Dedication, and Habits
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Following these three disciplines will give you a great chance at changing any aspect of your life. I believe consistent efforts, dedicated practices and accruing positive habits are the necessary work needed to accomplish any goal, dream, or vision of any size.

Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Ep.03- All about beliefs
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Once we realize we have the power to choose our beliefs, and surrender our limiting beliefs we can escape from our revolving stagnant lives. The power of our mind is normally underestimated and understanding we can manipulate our beliefs to help us succeed is an absolute game changer.

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Ep.02 Paradigm- How to see your life through a different lens
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
A paradigm is the way you view and make sense of the world around you. If that's true then wouldn't it be benificial to choose a view or different lense to see the world that is more positive than your current view? We talk about how your sub conscious mind is linked to your current paradigms, and how it's possible to change them.

Monday Jan 13, 2020
Ep.01 Mindset
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
In this 'mindset' episode we talk about the difference between open mindset and a fixed or closed mindset. I lived most of my life under the close minded category. Since being able to make the shift to open mind set principals, I can speak from experience that it will drastically change your life for the better. I offer this podcast in hopes that this message can help you in any way, because it has made such a difference in my life.